Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Purpose of a Research Proposal
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Purpose of a Research Proposal Quantitative research utilizes numerical data. The proposal should have enough info to convince your readers that you have a significant research idea, that you've got a great grasp of the appropriate literature and the key problems, and your methodology is sound. Research proposals contain extensive literature reviews and has to offer persuasive evidence that there's a demand for the proposed research study. Normally, a research proposal should contain all the crucial elements involved with the research procedure and include sufficient information for those readers to rate the proposed study. You have to convince the evaluation board of the significance of your work, and the way the additional study will add to the area. When you finish your research, it's important you have very definite and persuasive outcomes. Your research is like your idea. Applied research has application beyond the laboratory. Choosing Purpose of a Research Proposal Is Simple The methods section is a rather important portion of the research proposal. Furthermore, because there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section should be more elaborate than that which is necessary for traditional quantitative research. You will need to explain the advantages of your methods and research, together with potential limitations. Before starting, it's important to plan the research process. The Do's and Don'ts of Purpose of a Research Proposal OR The presentation of a concept that you would like to pursue. So essentially, you will be writing your pro posal and receiving the research stage of your writing process from the way! As a way to be qualified for future work and get closer to a level, it's beneficial to generate a concerted effort now. The purpose here is to set your project within the bigger whole of what's currently being explored, while demonstrating to your readers your work is original and advanced. Purpose of a Research Proposal The standard of your research proposal is dependent not just on the standard of your proposed project, but in addition on the caliber of your proposal writing. In general, then, the most important objective of your research proposal is to communicate that you're proposing a project that adds to the present body of knowledge, that you've got the necessary academic skills to achieve the undertaking, and that the undertaking can be accomplished in the required timeframe. Thus, developing the research proposal may be the most difficult portion of any research undertaking. The primary pu rpose of a research proposal is to prove that the problem you. A great research proposal sample will enable you to observe the total structure and the most crucial elements of an academic research proposal and help you avoid the most typical mistakes. Even now, in the fields of company and science, it's still true that you have to earn project proposals. A top quality proposal, on the opposite hand, not only promises success for the undertaking, but in addition impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential for a researcher. Some people believe any literate person has the ability to write an excellent academic research proposal. The Bad Secret of Purpose of a Research Proposal As a student, you might need to compose a research proposal to receive your thesis or dissertation plan approved. A research proposal is designed to convince others that you get a worthwhile research project and you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. After that, every research proposal wants an abstract. No matter the research area, a grea t research proposal should respond to the next questions. In fact, when you have a great research proposal, it usually means that you will perform a very good research. If you haven't done enough research, you won't be in a position to attain a conclusion. For instance, if your research is all about the recidivism of sex offenders in United States prisons, you might explain the issue with regard to statistics about recidivism and offer an exhaustive background of the issue. Explain how you intend to start conducting your research. The Do's and Don'ts of Purpose of a Research Proposal You've got a blank page at the beginning of each proposal. To begin with, the objective of proposal writing is to be sure your paper has a crystal clear outline and a program. The use of the proposal is to make sure that The proposal isn't a fixed blueprint. The aim of proposal writing is to persuade others your topic should be investigated.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of How Children Succeed - 2252 Words
Most people subscribe to the belief that Paul Tough refers to the cognitive hypothesis that suggests that success depends primarily on cognitive skills. They argue that intelligence is measured based on IQ tests which include the ability to recognize letters, words, detect patterns, and calculate. They say that the simplest way to acquire and develop skills is through practicing them continuously. Children should also begin practicing as early as possible to nurture skills. However, in the book titled â€Å"How Children Succeed,†Tough introduces the character hypothesis which explains that non–cognitive skills such as self-control, curiosity, self-confidence, conscientiousness, and grit are crucial to achieving success than sheer brainpower or cognitive skills (Tough 49). To justify his argument, he uses research findings from psychologists and neuroscientists. They say that character is developed by encountering with failure and overcoming it. The hidden power of char acter explains why some children perform well while others fail. However, I say that linking grit and character is pervasive and unfair to kids from poor backgrounds; particularly when the author states that academic proficiency is not a determinant of future success. The big point on Tough’s main arguments is that children succeed with character and not test scores. In his previous writings, Tough mentioned that grit is the component that was missing in education. He recounts two educators; Dominic Randolph andShow MoreRelatedThe Logic Of Nonstandard English By William Labov736 Words  | 3 PagesWilliam Labov. To start off this understanding I will first define keywords in order for the reader to fully grasp the argument. Furthermore I will state the authors main claim and link them to the evidence Labov provides. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Knowledge Management And E-Commerce †
Question: Discuss about the Knowledge Management And E-Commerce. Answer: Application of the knowledge Management in the start up business would be quite effective. To run a small business it is important to know about the situations and the background which would lead to the completion of the challenging task and therefore, for the Youth Fashion Clothing Store, it is important to discuss the main components that would bring profit to the start up company with the help of the Knowledge Management (Hislop, 2013). Hence, it is important to discuss the importance of the in terms of partnership and the how the workings of the organization would flourish with the application of the effective contextual factor of the Knowledge management. It is the process of creating and sharing information of the organization. It is an approach based on the objectives of the multidisciplinary to understand the working of the organization. There are certain prescribed models for the company, which would lead to the successful working of the company, if the application is proper ly managed (Fuller, 2012). The purpose of the topic is to discuss about the set up a new business of a fashion industry which would be set up for the younger generation from the age of 14- 26 and to select a strategic position for the industry with the help of the partnership deal and also the operations of the industry which would bring benefit to the start up industry as a whole. To create the business, with the help of the knowledge management it is important to understand the external factors of the business and also the analysis of the challenges and risk that are needed to be taken care of with the proper implementation of the management of Knowledge, therefore, in this context it is important to judge how the implementation of the knowledge management would help the company to flourish more in its area and how it also would going to affect the business practices which is in further incorporating marketing, finance and Human resources. The aim of the topic is to evaluate the importance of Knowledge Management and e-commerce in context of the Youth Fashion clothing store which would be situated in the Pitt St.Mall in Sydney (Fuller, 2012).Knowledge Management The scope of the study is to seek justification about how the fashion Industry would implement the Knowledge management in their sector to make it a successful business practices in order to gain a successful business practices. The scope of the study is to reveal the importance of the knowledge management and how it would be practiced further to enlarge the wings of the company in the other parts of Australia and the further implementation of the challenges while building the store in the country. Therefore, from this perspective, it is important to discuss the importance of knowledge management and its significance which would determine the scope of the success of the business with the perfect plan of management of knowledge. Different authors have come up with various forms of suggestions regarding knowledge management for the start up business. The owner with the help of KM strategies formed a business model. It would be inexpensive to outsource the resources than the resources which would cost more in the country itself (Jones Salis, 2013; Dalkir Bidan, 2013). Therefore, the owner must concentrate upon the to achieve the knowledge management which is related to the ontological and epistemological perspectives of the knowledge. By taking into account the ontological part, a knowledge which should be shared among the members of the organization and this would contribute to the process of start up through the process of creating, storing and transferring of the knowledge with the other members who would also looking forward to help out in the start up business. The KM strategies are also needed to be aligned with the nature of the business as the start ups (Jones Salis, 2013; Evans, Dalkir Bidan, 2013 ). The strategies of KM are divided into four important stages. Firstly, the management would allocate the knowledges sources. Then the owner should need to assess the strength of the firm and its weaknesses to determine its relevance and it capability to re use (Holsapple, 2013). This is then followed by the scope of socializing where the different techniques can be used to share the knowledge about the organization who ever would be required in the firm and then the knowledge is being used through this process (Rao, 2012). The model of process of Knowledge Management by Botha had suggested that to create a business, the human must first create knowledge and sensing, followed by Human then capture the management of knowledge, organize it further and personalize it and after that, the sharing of knowledge and dissemination would occur through the focus made on the technology on the basis of collaboration and access. Similarly, the owner before opening the fashion industry would gather m ore knowledge and implement the knowledge in terms of sharing partnership and to point out the targeted customer who would be the buyers from the industry. The implication of the knowledge is being determined with the successful thinking about the process of the business set up and giving a structure of the organization having a manager, marketing finance, HRM has to be there to give a proper shape to the workings of the organization (Rao, 2012). After setting up of the organization, to judge the success of the organization from the internal structure in terms of Knowledge Management in terms of understanding and learning about how the fashion design would be made and what are the important trends which are needed to be popular as it is being already mentioned that the new products of the fashion changes in the rapid mode and to keep pace with this rapid change, for the start up industry it becomes difficult to learn about the changing pace of the fashion trends and how they are going to cop up with the implementation of the knowledge management skill (Groff Jones, 2012). External Knowledge management talks about the ideas and inspirations that comes from other actors both from the sources of the environment of the global fashion as well as from the local environment. In order to keep pace with the changing trend of the fashion industry, it is necessary for the start up company to wage interaction with the surroundings and they would update them with the emerging trends and the sources would provide them about the emerging trends or experiences that is hovering inside the fashion industry, which also depends upon the taste of the people (Lee, Gon Kim, 2012). The sources such as international societies, actors, institutions and organizations can influence the fashion house appropriately. To keep up with the latest trend through the implementation of the knowledge management, it is important to keep track through the different fashion magazines and attending the fashion shows and fairs, accordingly the owner and team would develop a systematic knowledg e about the ongoing changes which are taking place in the fashion world (Meihami Meihami, 2014). Through the process of Internal Knowledge Management, it is important to utilize the information through the proper working of the marketing strategy which would be need to share the knowledge in terms of waging interaction with the fashion house which would attract the customers in terms of buying new fashionable products (Becerra Sabherwal, 2014). The designers need to understand the marketing strategies and also understand the important trends of todays world. The managers in the fashion house must have the idea about the strategic location of the fashion industry and therefore, in this case, it is important to keep track of the stocks that are needed to be kept. The company must have the capacity to keep enough number of stocks so that it would not be difficult to give enough choices to the customers (Becerra Sabherwal, 2014; Meihami Meihami, 2014; Liebowitz Frank, 2016). Also at the same time, the manager must have the knowledge that there is no excess amount of stock so tha t in the end of the day, the excess stock would be sold away at a cheaper price. The marketing strategy needs to be updated before starting a business. The pros and cons are needed to be checked properly before chalking out a plan (Wiig, 2012; Mehrabani Shajari, 2012). The internal contextual factor can be vitalized with the help of the sources from outside and therefore in this context, it is important to take knowledge as well about the techniques of promotion of their products. The manager needs to understand the statistics of the population for the place where they have built the industry; therefore, such statistics would come in handy for making appropriate cloths for the targeted audience. Therefore, the knowledge management would finally affect the workers of the organization and giving them a best organizational culture through the proper understanding of the external and internal factors of the fashion industry (Wiig, 2012; Holthouse, 2013). Therefore to conclude, it could be stated that the new fashion industry which has its target audience already fixed and now with the proper implementation of the knowledge management, the owner must start a business, which must have a perfect business set up and systematically it must follow the ideal perspectives of a fashion industry and what would make the growth of the fashion industry more unique and later on spreading its branches across the other parts of the nation. References Becerra-Fernandez, I., Sabherwal, R. (2014).Knowledge management: Systems and processes. Routledge. Fuller, S. (2012).Knowledge management foundations. Routledge. Hislop, D. (2013).Knowledge management in organizations: A critical introduction. Oxford University Press. Holsapple, C. (Ed.). (2013).Handbook on knowledge management 1: Knowledge matters(Vol. 1). Springer Science Business Media. Jones, G., Sallis, E. (2013).Knowledge management in education: Enhancing learning education. Routledge. Lee, S., Gon Kim, B., Kim, H. (2012). An integrated view of knowledge management for performance.Journal of Knowledge management,16(2), 183-203. Liebowitz, J., Frank, M. (Eds.). (2016).Knowledge management and e-learning. CRC press. Meihami, B., Meihami, H. (2014). Knowledge Management a way to gain a competitive advantage in firms (evidence of manufacturing companies).International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences,3, 80-91. Rao, M. (2012).Knowledge management tools and techniques. Routledge. Wiig, K. (2012).People-focused knowledge management. Routledge. Holtshouse, D. K. (2013).Information technology for knowledge management. Springer Science Business Media. Mehrabani, S. E., Shajari, M. (2012). Knowledge management and innovation capacity.Journal of Management Research,4(2), 164.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Yugoslavia Essays - Southeastern Europe, Ethnic Groups In Croatia
Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Recently, there has been much fighting in the former country of Yugoslavia, involving all ethnicities and religious groups and without making a difference between military or civilians. Diplomats have been hard at work to attempt to resolve the differences that led to conflict and bloodshed, but it has proven to be a very difficult thing to do with extremely limited success. To understand the situation, it has to be realized that a big part of the problem lies in the geography of the region and its demography. These factors have contributed to conflicts in the past and do so now. Yugoslavia covers mountainous territory. The backbone of the region is made up of the Balkans, a mountain range that runs north-south. Continental plate movement from the south has created an intricate landscape of plains, valleys and mountains. This led to intensive compartmentalization of the region. As a result, there were few low-level routes and those that existed became very important strategically. Most notable are the Varda-Morava corridor, which connected the Aegean Sea and the Danube, and the Iron Gates of the Danube, linking Central Europe and the Black Sea, that controlled much of the trade between the Mediterranean and Central Europe since ancient times. Most of the populations have lived separated from each other geographically and culturally, developing very strong national and tribal allegiances. This region is a frontier between Eastern and Western European civilizations and has also been influnced by Islam during the Turkish invasion. The roots of the conflict in the Balkans go back hundreds of years. Farther than recent events in the region indicate. Dating back to Roman times, this area was part of the Roman Empire. It was here that the divide between Eastern and Western Roman Empires was made when it split under the Roman emperor Diocletian in A.D. 293. Along with the split, the religions divided also into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. This line still divides Catholic Croatians and Hungarians and Orthodox Montengrins, Serbs, and Romanians. The Romans left behind them excellent roads, cities that are still important political or economic centers, like Belgrade, Cluj, or Ljubljana, and the Latin language, which is preserved in Romanian. The period of Turkish dominance during the middle ages left a much diffferent imprint on the region. An alien religion, Islam, was introduced, adding to already volatile mixture of geography, politics, religion, and nationalism. The administration of the Ottoman Empire was very different from that of the Romans. The Turks did not encourage economic development of areas like Albania, Montenegro and Romania that promised little in producing riches. They didn't invest in building roads or creating an infrastructure. Greeks controlled most of the commerce and Sephadic Jews, expelled from Spain, had influence as well. The diversity of Yugoslavia can best be captured in this capsule recitation: "One state, two alphabets, three religions, four official languages, five nations, six republics, seven hostile neighbors, and eight separate countries." This had more than a little truth. Yugoslavia employed Latin and Cyrillic alphabets; it was home to Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Muslims; it's Slavic groups spoke Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian and Macedonian; they identified themselves as Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats, Slovenes, and Macedonians; each had its own republic, with an additional Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a mixed population of Serbs, Croats, and Serbo-Croatian-speaking Muslims; Yugoslavia was bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania, all of whom harbored some grievances against it; and the "autonomous regions" of Hungarian Vojvodina and Albanian Kosovo within Serbia functioned until 1990 in an independent manner comparable to that of the six formal republics. This indeed was a diverse state. Yugoslavia had been "a geographic impossibility, tied together by railroads, highways, and a Serbian-dominated army." (Poulsen, 118-9) This country is a patchwork of complicated, interconnected ethnic and religious entities that intertwined so densely that it is probably impossible to separate them and make everybody happy. It was a witness to two bloody Balkan wars that took place in 1912 and that contributed to the outbreak of World War I. The conflict seems intrinsic to the region, with painful fragmentation after the fall of the Hapsburg empire and further discord during and after World War II. In fact, there was hardly any time when there was little or no conflict. The events that started the most recent escalation of conflict took place in 1991. The first republic to express anti-Serbian sentiments was Slovenia. They felt that although they and Croats had prospered the most in Communist Yugoslavia, they were lagging behind Austria, Italy, and even Hungary. They saw the transfer of their profits to the southern republics as
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