Saturday, May 23, 2020
Would You Rather... Ice Breaker Game for Adults
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Children Case Study - 931 Words
Scenario number two occurred, along with a child who is typicaly out of breath when playing with others outside and sitting. This child asks for fruit juices and soda pop over water everyday at school. This child typically has soda pop in his lunch box which is become a nuisance at lunchtime. The other children want soda when they see this child with a soda. The other day the children were sharing the soda and Im afraid of spreading communal illnesses. I will call the parent with the message phone number left on the childs information card. The child will also go home with a note in a sealed envelope for the parent stating exactly what I left on the phone message or talk to the parent when I call. Pulling the childs file, using†¦show more content†¦When speaking to the parent at the most convent time I would start with the chronological progress notes.The progress notes provide a observational timeline to discuss each of the issues leading to the conference. Starting off wi th the first progress notes about the other children teasing the child about their size and physical capabilities. I would show the parent how many times in the last few weeks the child has not participated in physical activity and has been out of breath and had to sit out a physical activity. Tabbed in a different color in the progress notes section is each time the child had an unhealthy lunch which became an issue during meal time. Along with the continuous notes about soda being in the lunch and an issue at mealtime. I would show the parent the visual aids of sugar by the gram for each product that’s been an appropriate problem at lunch. I would also mention communal illnesses because of the soda being shared. At that point I would tell this particular parent that soda is now banned because we cant have sharing of food due to communal illnesses.I would not want to leave this parent without resources because this parent maybe generation poverty and not understand what a he alth meal is. Providing a short education on resources, how to contact the resourse, and how to implement the resourse is going to benefit a parent more then just negative feed back. Talking to the parent gently about this matter is key for success with thisShow MoreRelatedChildren Case Study1455 Words  | 6 Pageswhen Roya was NOT at work. She has Always used other people as babysitter while NOT spending any time with the kids. 5. She has never takes them out to park, bike rides, places to see or any activities outside the home. 6. Roya Repeatedly make the children to lie Specially to me. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Light Beer versus Dark Beer Free Essays
Thesis Statement There are several differences between light beer (which include the following: American Standard Beers, American Light Beers, American Wheat Ales, Belgian Wheat Ales, Hefeweizen, and Pilsners) and dark beer (which include Brown Ales, German Bocks, Nut Brown Ales, Porters, and Stouts). Some of the differences include their origins, the processes involved in making or producing it, as well as, their popularity since light beer is far more popular than dark beer. Origin Both light and dark beer came to exist in 1772 (Chronology. We will write a custom essay sample on Light Beer versus Dark Beer or any similar topic only for you Order Now . n.p.). The production of both began in 1587 when the immigrants of Virginia brewed ale through the use of corn (Chronology.. n.p.). Then twenty years after that, England sent its first shipment of beer to the immigrants of Virginia (Chronology.. n.p.). Two years after that, London were already looking for brewers to assist those immigrants of Virginia; back then advertisements which states, â€Å"American Help Wanted†were posted (Chronology.. n.p.). After that, the first brewery has been instituted in Manhattan by â€Å"Adrian Block and Hans Christiansen†(Chronology.. n.p.). The institution of that brewery aforementioned caused the birth of â€Å"Jean Vigne†who was the â€Å"first non-native American to become the first brewer horn in Manhattan†(Chronology.. n.p.). In addition to that, after a few years, â€Å"Governor Van Twiller†along with the â€Å"West India Company†built another brewery in New Amsterdam on Brewers Street (Chronology.. n.p.). This has been followed by another brewery which was built on Manhattan Island by Peter Ninuit (Chronology.. n.p.). After so many breweries have been instituted, a license to open a pub in Boston has been awarded to a man named Samuel Cole (Chronology.. n.p.). Three years later, the â€Å"first authoritatively recorded brewery in the Massachusetts Bay Colony under the control of Captain Sedgwick has been instituted†(Chronology.. n.p.). Then another brewery has been built located in Providence, Rhode Island which has been assigned and to be led by Sergeant Bauleton (Chronology.. n.p.). Immediately following that, â€Å"Samuel Wentworth has been given a license to operate and brew beer in New Hampshire†in 1670 (Chronology.. n.p.). Two more breweries were set up: one in 1683 which was set up near Bristol, Pennsylvania and another one in 1738 which has been established in Jekyll Island, Georgia (Chronology.. n.p.). Then finally after 34 years, dark and light beer have been concocted in England (Chronology.. n.p.). Process of Making It In making light beer, the first stage is to â€Å"steep the grain in water until it sprouts or germinates†(SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.). After that stage technically referred to as â€Å"malting†, the grain/malt is then heated and dried â€Å"in order to stop the malt from germinating further†(SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.) After that process known as â€Å"kilning†, the malt may be roasted further according to preferred color and flavor (SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.). The next step is to â€Å"process the dried malt in a mill in order for the outer coating of the grain to crack†(SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.). After cracking it will placed in a container then it will be poured with hot water (SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.). Here, the sugars contained in the grain will be broken down and released in the water and will consequently produce a sweet liquid called wort as well (SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.). After that the â€Å"wort†will be boiled for two hours and hops will be added (SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.).In making dark beer, the same processed is followed except that hops in dark beer are boiled 30 minutes or more longer (SF Brewers Guild.. n.p.). Popularity It is said that college students are more likely to drink light beers. This is simply because it is easier to drink than dark ones. However, a medical breakthrough affected such popularity of light beer because dark beer has been proven to prevent blood clots (Peck n.p.). In addition to that, it has â€Å"powerful antioxidant effects†(Fauber n.p.). Conclusion Both light and dark beers were produced in 1772 sharing the same history. They differ, however in the process of making it since dark beers involve more time in boiling hops than in light beers. Also, in terms of popularity, although dark beers are proven to be good for the health, more people still go for light beers especially college students. References Chronology of the American Brewing Industry. n.d. n.a. 22 October 2007 Fauber, John. Dark Beer Better for Heart. 11 November 2003. The Temple News. 22 October 2007 Peck, Peggy. Dark Beer May be Better for the Heart. 11 November 2003. WebMD. 22 October 2007 SF Brewers Guild. How Beer is Made. n.d. n.a. 22 October 2007 How to cite Light Beer versus Dark Beer, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Network Analysis of STP Limited Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Network Analysis of STP Limited. Answer: Project overview: Project background: The company, STP limited is concerned with the development and manufacture of cabinet. Their main office location is situated in Wollongong. In addition, for bringing out more productivity and sales, the company has inaugurated new machinery in Sydney. The office in Sydney has various computerized machines for making the business a smooth place. In addition, the cost of production due to the adoption of such machinery is also intended to be reduced. Moreover, the company is also addressing their sales operations by making sales vans to get customer attention in the streets. The project is mainly being done for the increase in sales made by the company. The project is supposed to connect the various offices that the company will inaugurate. Furthermore, the project will also reference the various business solutions in the future as well. Project scope: This report mainly discusses about the scope and the aim of the project. In addition, the project also discusses about addressing the network requirements of the company so that a proper risk management is provided. Furthermore, the report also includes a business continuity plan to be included in the business operations of the company. Project goal: The goal of this project is to successfully implement a business architecture using the newly installed machinery in the Sydney office. Along with this, the project is also supposed to provide the expansion benefits so that their business solutions can be implemented in the future as well. Strategic alignment: The alignment of the project is done by installation of the machinery in Sydney. This is followed by addressing the sales made by the company. For this, the sales van is used to deliver the products to the customers. The sales vans are made to include the product prototypes along with some efficient personnel to install them on the customer houses as well. In addition, the business includes a traditional information system for addressing their reporting systems as well. Network security: Due to the newly implemented machinery in the office location of Sydney, the security implications are to be addressed for mitigating the presence of risks in the system. These risks can lead to various disasters in the system. In extreme cases, it can also lead to loss of business acquisition as well causing grave impacts. Securing data: This section of the report discusses about the various methods which can be used to provide security in data handling. These steps are to be integrated in the business solutions of STP limited. The first security application is the conduction of security audits. The use of security audits are mainly done for analyzing the presence of any vulnerabilities or threats in the system (Chen et al. 2016). The main benefits for the application of a security audit are the provision of analysis of the network infrastructure that will help the company to prevent unethical access or breaches from hackers. The second security process is the adoption of strong policies to help educate the employees regarding the various unethical works. This includes helping educating the people against phishing emails sent or other types of links that steals information once clicked. These are required to be eliminated and the employees are to be made aware of such practices. The third security adoption process is the use of a strong password. This is done to enable authentication on the administrative accounts of the system. In addition, the use of multiple passwords should also be used for accessing different layers of the system (Ghosh 2012). This process is mainly used to provide a hard time to the hackers so that the hacking process of the unethical users can be easily hampered and effective measures can be taken in time to reduce the existence of breaches in the system. The last security adoption framework to be adopted is the use of strong encryption standard for addressing the security requirements of the company. This is mainly done to prevent unethical access to the company data even if the data is lost (Apiecionek and Romantowski 2013). For example, if an important piece of information is lost from the external storage devices and it falls in the wrong hands of the unethical users, access to that data will not be guaranteed due to the presence of encryption on it. Mobile device security: This section of the report discusses about the security adoption techniques to be included in the network of the company. To connect various mobile devices to the office network, the need for a wifi router is required. The best ways to secure a mobile device is by securing the office network. The first security measure to be installed in securing the wifi connection is the frequent changes in the network name. This is a small type of security feature that protects the network in a small level. The second security protocol is the adoption of an encryption standard. These encryption standards are used to cipher the codes and prevent access to unauthorized users (Shin et al. 2014). This helps in securing the mobile network and helps in business continuity processes. The third process of security enhancements are the installation of a firewall technique. The firewall mechanism is already present in most modern routers and the company involved must adopt them into their solutions as well (Tata and Kadoch 2014). The presence of a firewall limits the access of harmful activities from the hackers to enter the system network. The last method of security application is the turning off of DHCP mechanisms. This process turns of the vulnerabilities that can be present due to the presence of hackers o unauthorized users. Hardware purchase plan: This section of the report discusses about the main plan for purchasing the hardware in the system. This new system will be incorporated in Sydney for addressing their business requirements. STP limited has incorporated fine computerized machinery for business solutions. Company requirements: The main requirements of the company are upgrading the network infrastructure to support the new business applications. The first requirements are the distributed databases and the sales people hiring. In addition, the company also needs knowledge about the type of hardware required to be installed in the sales vans. Strategies: The main purchasing strategies involved should be used for getting contracts of the hardware purchases. These are done to reference their needs in the business solutions in the right time (Kilger, Reuter and Stadtler 2015). The main consideration to be included in case of planning a strategy is that the integration of the new hardware does not take much business time so that they can be adopted right away. Cost: The cost is another requirement that is to be analyzed before contacting the hardware providers. This gives a general estimate for the requirements and helps to address them in terms of the cost requirements. Business continuity: The business continuity is a process which is there to ensure the continuity of the business processes. These are mainly adopted for getting an idea about the presence of any threats or vulnerabilities in the system that may halt the business activities (Authority 2014). To reference them, the organization board undertakes various policies and standards to address them in their business solutions. Resilience: This section of the continuity plan is used to address the various requirements for supporting the business infrastructure. In case of the STP limited, the business infrastructure setup can be ensured by properly managing the sales people. These will help the business to not lose their place of business and drive sales in the same place. Recovery: The recovery aspect can be ensured by safely protecting the distributed database of STP limited. The distributed database of the company includes stock control system, customer management system, accounting system and Microsoft Office. The databases are to be safely stored in the system both in the online and the offline mode. The online mode can be done by adopting cloud solutions and the offline mode can be referenced by storing the database in external storage disks (Jrvelinen 2012). Contingency: The contingency plan of a company involves the series of steps to be followed so that the company can recover from any disasters in the system (Torabi, Soufi and Sahebjamnia 2014). The contingency plan in STP limited includes the rolling back of the database functions in the system. This is done by taking the offline version of the database or the online version and applying them to the architecture. This will ensure business continuity without causing any time to waste. Risk management: This section is used to address the risks and vulnerabilities in the system and counter them by presenting a risk management plan. This plan is to be addressed in the business solutions of STP limited. The various steps to be followed in the risk management plan are as follows: Identification: The identification of the risks and vulnerabilities are to be done in this section. The various risks include the analysis of the sales people so that their operations in the business do not cause any problems to be associated with the company (Hull 2012). In addition, the lack of any customer accounts in the system is another risk that is to be identified Analysis: The risks discussed in the first section will be analyzed in this section in details. This includes considering the impacts that may occur due to the presence of such risks (Christoffersen 2012). In addition, this section also includes the consideration to be taken while applying for mitigation of these risks. Risk evaluation: This section evaluates the risks on the basis of their impacts. The sales people evaluation is considered the most prioritized one while the account creation follows after that. In case of wrong evaluation of the sales people credentials, the customer interests can be hampered leading to the company to lose their business. In addition, the customer account creation is also to be made to provide updated services to the customers and efficient management. Furthermore, the use of BYOD program is another risk due to the presence of security implications in any personal devices. Treatment: This section of the report is used to provide a mitigation plan for addressing the risks and the vulnerabilities present in the system (Lam 2014). The sales people evaluation can be done by properly checking their credentials so that their past records can be checked. In addition, the use of a customer account is mainly done for storing the customer credentials and applies them in the business processes. This can be done by contracting with an external supplier of database or creating an in-house application database. These will be used to store the account details so that any processes related to the customer activities can be effectively stored in the system. This will also be used to share the customer details with the company employees to keep them updated. Moreover, the presence of various BYOD policies will be in place to reference the use of personal mobile standards. Review of the risks: This section is used to provide the risk monitoring steps so that the company can effectively monitor them and address the necessary steps needed to mitigate them (Aebi, Sabato and Schmid 2012). Conclusion: This report concludes that the use of various business solutions to reference in the activities of STP limited can help to increase the various business needs. These include the increase in generated revenue and the increase in business processes. From the security portion of the report, it can be said that a successful and secure network can serve a business by reducing the risks that might be present. In addition, the hardware purchase section of the report identifies the requirements of that are also to be addressed for applying them in the business. Furthermore, from the report, the business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan to address the safety of the business process is also provided in this report. Recommendations: This section of the report is used to provide various recommendations to be applied in the business processes. The first recommendation to be included is the acceptance of a cloud solution. This process will be utilized in an efficient way that will solve the business process of handling customer accounts or sharing of the customer details among the employees. Along with this, the cloud solutions will also help in addressing the security of the process. References: Aebi, V., Sabato, G. and Schmid, M., 2012. Risk management, corporate governance, and bank performance in the financial crisis.Journal of Banking Finance,36(12), pp.3213-3226. Apiecionek, ?. and Romantowski, M., 2013. Secure IP network model.Computational Method in Science and Technology,19(4), pp.209-213. Authority, C.A.S., 2014. Business Continuity Management. Chen, F., Xiang, T., Yang, Y. and Chow, S.S., 2016. Secure cloud storage meets with secure network coding.IEEE Transactions on Computers,65(6), pp.1936-1948. Christoffersen, P.F., 2012.Elements of financial risk management. Academic Press. Ghosh, S., 2012.Principles of secure network systems design. Springer Science Business Media. Hull, J., 2012.Risk management and financial institutions,+ Web Site(Vol. 733). John Wiley Sons. Jrvelinen, J., 2012. Information security and business continuity management in interorganizational IT relationships.Information Management Computer Security,20(5), pp.332-349. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Kilger, C., Reuter, B. and Stadtler, H., 2015. Collaborative planning. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 257-277). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Lam, J., 2014.Enterprise risk management: from incentives to controls. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013.Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Shin, S., Song, Y., Lee, T., Lee, S., Chung, J., Porras, P., Yegneswaran, V., Noh, J. and Kang, B.B., 2014, November. Rosemary: A robust, secure, and high-performance network operating system. InProceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications security(pp. 78-89). ACM. Shojaiemehr, B. and Rafsanjani, M.K., 2013. A multi-agent based model for collective purchasing in electronic commerce.International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,4(4), pp.409-417. Tata, C.H.A.F.I.K.A. and Kadoch, M.I.C.H.E.L., 2014, January. Secure network coding based data splitting for public safety D2D communications over LTE heterogeneous networks. In14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT14). Torabi, S.A., Soufi, H.R. and Sahebjamnia, N., 2014. A new framework for business impact analysis in business continuity management (with a case study).Safety Science,68, pp.309-323. Zhang, J., Wen, Y. and Xu, Q., 2012. Simultaneous optimization of crude oil blending and purchase planning with delivery uncertainty consideration.Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research,51(25), pp.8453-8464.
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